Learning Devices Policy
Learning Device Acceptable Use Policy
The Acceptable Use Policy aims to ensure that pupils gain learning opportunities from the school’s online resources safely and effectively. As part of the 21st Century Skills, digital literacy offers life skills for students to prepare them to be future ready. Cyber wellness will be reinforced to ensure that students learn how to respect self and others in the digital world, and use their devices appropriately.
It is important to understand that learning results from continuous dynamic collaboration among students, educators, parents and stakeholders. The role of the teacher is still vital in technology immersion. Technology in the classroom transforms the teacher to being the facilitator of learning. Effective teaching and learning with devices integrates technology ubiquitously anytime, anyplace. The Learning Device Policy in this guideline apply to all devices used at Admiralty Primary School, including any other device considered by the school to come under this policy.
There may be additional requirements for device use in the classroom set by the teachers. This policy is to ensure that all users are aware of the responsibilities for efficient, productive and responsible use of technological resources in an appropriate manner.
If a student does not comply with any of the User Terms and Conditions stated in this Learning Device Policy, privileges may be terminated and the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Consequences of violations of this policy include but are not limited to; confiscation of the device, deletion of apps or inappropriate content, suspension/exclusion of device usage and investigation by the school.
Security Measures
- The school will regularly monitor pupils’ learning devices usage.
- Information for internet safety and cyber wellness will be provided.
- Classrooms will be locked at all times when the class vacates the classrooms.
Users’ Responsibilities (Students)
- Students must take full responsibility for their own devices. The school is not responsible for the security or transportation of personal devices beyond the classrooms.
- Do not leave learning devices unattended. Learning devices must always be in the school bags when not in use. Never leave devices under the table.
- Users may not take photo/video of any other person without getting consent.
- Devices must be surrendered immediately upon request by any school staff if used inappropriately. There will be follow-up with parents by form teachers/subject teachers.
Learning Devices
- It is recommended that students should have sole ownership of their own devices.
- Teacher’s instructions to access online assignments must be followed closely.
- Permission is required before sending any form of electronic messages.
- Access to discussion platforms or other electronic communication platforms, which have been approved by the school only, will be allowed.
- Personal earphones should be used for hygiene purpose and earphones should only be used with the teacher’s permission. Learning devices are required to be fully charged at home and be ready to use in school.*
- Games that are not deemed as educational are not to be downloaded or played at school. If students are in breach of playing non-educational games, they will be required to remove the game from their device at the teacher’s discretion. *
Internet Usage
- Internet usage in school will always be supervised by the school.
- The Internet in school is meant for educational purposes only.
- Internet sites that contain inappropriate or otherwise objectionable materials must be avoided.
- Copyright issues relating to online learning must be followed closely.
- Any personal data must not be shared online.
- Processing or accessing information on school property related to “hacking”, altering, or bypassing network security policies is in violation of the Learning Device Policy and will result in disciplinary actions. Students can only access information on the devices or internet sites which are deemed relevant to the classroom curriculum and suggested by the teacher.
- Approved email accounts may be used under supervision by or with permission from the class teacher.
- Inappropriate materials must not be shared.
- Password and user-id related to email accounts for any applications must not be shared with others.
Consequences and Disciplinary Action
- Violation of this Learning Device Policy will result in consequences consistent with the school’s disciplinary act.
- Consequences may include, but are not limited to, the following, either singularly or in combination depending on the circumstances of the offense:
- Temporary confiscation of device;
- Investigation by the school and search of device contents to locate evidence of misuse;
- Limitations, suspension, and/or revocation of access privileges to personal and school technology resources
The school and school personnel shall not be liable for the loss, damage, misuse, or theft of any student-owned electronic device: possessed/used during the school day; in/on school buildings, property; during transport to/from school; while attending school activities. *
Note: Information with asterisks (*) refer to student-owned devices.
Student Pledge for Learning Device Use (Within and beyond School)
All students who bring devices to school are in agreement to the following practices:
They will only go on websites and apps that have been approved by my teacher. I will not visit an inappropriate site on purpose.
They will use the Internet and digital media for educational purposes only.
They are fully aware that everything they do on my learning device is monitored by the school.
They will never send messages, emails and comments that are hurtful to another person.
They will not share personal information with anyone online.
They will not use their device to take photo, audio or video of others without their consent.
They will not upload or share any digital media on the Internet without getting permission.
They will not share their password with anyone.
They will take good care of their learning device.
They will never leave the device unattended.
They will keep food and drinks away from my learning device as they may damage it.
They understand that my learning device is subjected to checks by school staff at any time without notice.
Failure to adhere to the above or any other part of the learning device policy will be subjected to disciplinary actions.