Homework Policy
Homework Policy
Purposes of Homework
Homework is an important component of the teaching-learning process. It aims to serve the following purposes:
a. stimulate thinking and develop ideas, initiative and creativity
b. reinforce and deepen understanding of lessons taught
c. allow students to regularly practise, and apply skills and concepts taught
d. inculcate responsibility for independent learning and encourage partnership with parents
e. encourage partnership with parents
Types of Homework
Homework should be varied in type in accordance with the needs of pupils and the objectives of the lessons. There can be different types of homework for a variety of purposes. Common examples are:
a. Practice Exercises:
Consolidation exercise e.g. maths, memorization of tables
Practising for mastery e.g. spelling words
Revising information about a current topic
Reading for pleasure
Essay writing
Drawing of pictures and diagram to summarize ideas and theories
b. Preparatory Homework:
Background reading
Researching topics for a class unit of work
Collecting items/ Gather data e.g. geometric shapes.
c. Extension Assignments:
Making or designing something e.g. an art work
Investigations e.g. Science, Social Studies, etc.
Researching e.g. history, local news
Collaborative Assignments like project work IT-based Homework
Recommended Homework Time
The table below shows the guide for homework time.

Communication with Parents/Guardians
Homework may be recorded by the pupil in the Pupils’ Companion and messages can be recorded by the teacher(s) and parents as well.
Parents are requested to inform the teacher if their children are having difficulties with the homework given.
If homework cannot be completed within the estimated duration of time given, do allow some extra time of about 10 mins. If the homework is still incomplete, the pupil should offer a valid reason to their teachers.
If a pupil repeatedly fails to do homework, the teacher will contact the parent to discuss the problem.
Good Homework Practices
Select a well-lit, comfortable and quiet spot in your home and make it a designated homework area.
Ensure that the necessary stationery is available.
Establish routine study hours
Encourage your child to complete homework given on time.