Assessment Matters
Assessment Matters
Pupils are to be responsible to bring the necessary stationery and instruments (e.g. calculators, Mathematical set and Mother Tongue dictionary/e-dictionary) for the exams.
There will not be any make-up for the P3 to P6 End-of-Year Examinations (except for the EL and MTL Oral components).
Any child who is absent for the exams/exercises will need to produce a medical certificate from a medical doctor. Handwritten letters are not accepted. Marks will be computed accordingly, taking into account the absence with a valid reason.
Absence without valid reasons Pupils who are absent without valid reason: - will not be awarded any marks for the paper which he/she had missed.
Examples of absence without valid reason:
- Accompanying parents overseas during term time.
- Scheduling external examinations such as piano exams/ballet exams during exam period.
Students are required to be punctual for all weighted assessments and examinations. Students who are late with no valid reason would be allowed to sit for the remaining duration of the papers with no additional time provided.
No extra time will be given to pupils who are not able to complete their paper within the stipulated time. Answers on the answer script/s (e.g., OAS) will be taken as final.
The school views cheating as a serious offence. Pupils caught cheating or with an intent to cheat will be awarded a zero mark for the component/paper. Disciplinary action will also be taken against the pupil.
The detailed key assessment information can be found in this attachment: Key Assessment Information 2025
Please note that assessment details for each term will be uploaded onto this website by Week 5 of the term.