Science & Engineering Practices
This set of practices describe behaviours that scientists engage in as they investigate phenomena and build theories about the world around them.
It provides a framework to help students deepen their scientific thinking by combining knowledge with practice. Students acquire skills such as questioning, gathering data, analysing and communicating, all of which are transferable across other disciplines.

Students collect data and use them to draw conclusions about the investigation.

Students plan investigations to collect data to identify scientific principles (e.g., measurements, observations, patterns) to support their scientific explanations.

Students construct models to explain phenomena or solve problems.

Students construct a scientific argument by comparing and evaluating competing new evidence and ethical issues.
Environmental Education
To shape students’ attitude towards caring for the environment, the school seeks to raise awareness of environmental issues and develop green habits in our students. Through rethinking their everyday actions, students learn that every one can play a part in environmental sustainability. Students are also encouraged to be an advocate for the environment by encouraging their peers and family members to adopt green habits.
The school also works in collaboration with external partners such as National Environmental Agency (NEA), Waterways Watch Society (WWS) and North West Community Development Council (NWCDC) to garner their expertise and support the activities run by these external partners.

Regular reminders and campaigns were conducted to encourage students to practice green habits in school and at home.